December 2022

"More Than a Small Circle of Friends"

It is hard to believe it has been seven years since I organized and produced a show in Queens celebrating the 75th birthday of Phil Ochs. It was a magical evening featuring brilliant performance by artists inspired by Phil's memory and music. I recorded the entire evening for Songs of Freedom Television and made four episodes of what happened that night.

The episodes I recorded and edited will play at public access tv stations in New York City this month. They will also stream online. In addition, I am posting the four episodes here so you can watch them at your convenience.

"In such ugly times, the only true protest is beauty."
~ Phil Ochs ~

I wish you beauty, peace, and happiness.
~ joel landy, songs of freedom television ~

The Episodes,
Recorded at Odradeks Coffee House in Kew Gardens, Queens, NY
on December 17, 2015

"More Than a Small Circle of Friends"
Remembering Phil Ochs, show 1

Featuring Steve Suffet, David Massengill and Joel Landy.

"More Than a Small Circle of Friends"
Remembering Phil Ochs, show 2

Featuring Anne Price and Joel Landy.

"More Than a Small Circle of Friends"
Remembering Phil Ochs, show 3

Featuring Lydia Adams Davis and Richard Benson.

"More Than a Small Circle of Friends"
Remembering Phil Ochs, show 4

Featuring Steve Vitoff, Carol Friedman Russell, Ben Silver, and the ensemble cast of players, including Lydia Adams Davis,
Steve Suffet, Anne Price, Ben Silver, Richard Benson,
David Massengill, and Joel Landy

Songs Of Freedom Television

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

November 2022    This Land Is STILL Your Land!

Greetings, everyone! This month is all about the Woody Guthrie Brooklyn Hoot that took place on October 9th, 2022.

Woody Guthrie tribute concerts have been produced by Steve Suffet in New York City since 2001. Venues have included the old CBGB Gallery and the Bowery Poetry Club in Manhattan, and the Old Stone House in Brooklyn. The 2022 Woody Guthrie Hoot took place at Brooklyn’s Jalopy Theatre and Music School in October, and was seen both in person and by those who tuned in online to watch. The talented lineup of artists included Mike Glick, Emma Graves, Robin Greenstein, Joel Landy, Marie Mularczyk O'Connell, and Steve Suffet.

Here are the four November Songs of Freedom TV episodes as they appeared on tv and online.

Here's a short preview and something that Woody would sing loudly today.

"All You Fascists (Bound to Lose)

Yes, they are.   ~ joel landy ~

Songs Of Freedom Television

October 2022   Bring On the Music!

Cueing up for the October 2022 Woody Hoot in Brooklyn 

Here is an episode from a recent Woody Hoot.

bernice 2

The unstoppable Bernice Silver lived 106 years and left a legacy that touched the lives of many people and communities that included puppetry, folk music, and environmental protection.
The Peoples' Voice Cafe in NYC honored Bernice with a musical celebration on October 15th.

Here is a short video of Bernice holding court with her NYC Friends at that river festival.
And here is a complete Songs of Freedom episode highlighting a New York City Friends of Clearwater River Festival. It is the second of our four episodes this month.


Episode 3 this month is a recording made at the ongoing THIRD THURSDAY OPEN MIC that I host at Red Pipes Cafe in Forest Hills, NY. The monthly event began in July of this year and continues on October 20 at 6:30 pm. It is lots of fun! Come to express yourself! All music styles are welcome!
Here is information about the THIRD THURSDAY OPEN MIC. See you there!

Here is an episode showcasing a recent THIRD THURSDAY event.


The last show this month involves an ongoing series of song swaps featuring talented topical songwriters and performers of the People's Music Network. I have been a member of PMN since 1990. The people I have met and the friends I have made there changed my life. PMN and what it represents to me served as an inspiration for the creation of Songs of Freedom Television in 1996.
Click this link to find out more about the People's Music Network.
You can find out about the song swaps and other events on the upcoming PMN schedule. One thing that is happening in late October is the annual PMN Convergence, a gathering of activists and artists in NYC on Friday, October 21 and 22. Click here for information about it.

Here is Episode 4 for the month, a half hour of an online "Round-Robin" singing event.

And that's October!
The weather may be getting colder around here, but the music is heating up!

Have a great month.
And remember, tune in and don't tune out!

~ joel ~


October 2022 Episodes

Episode 1, Woody Hoot: To get you ready, here is an episode from a recent Woody Hoot

Episode 2:  NYC Friends of Clearwater River Festival

Episode 3:  Third Thursday Open Mic at the Red Pipes in Forest Hills

Episode 4: People's Music Network Online Topical Song Swap

Songs Of Freedom Television

September 2022   Celebrate the Heroes!

The tragedy that September 11, 2001 brought us is twenty-one years old.
Much has happened in that time that has changed our world and effected every life in our land.
Regardless of your politics there were heroes on that day, first responders who saved lives
and gave their own for the benefit of us all.
This month Songs of Freedom Television celebrates what they did and who we can choose to be.

Following the disaster in New York City on that fateful day I spoke with artist and activist Lorcan Otway and my friends Shawn Norton and Kim Rich at the 22-Below Cabaret. I wanted to produce a musical event to "Remember the Heroes" whose debt we can never fully repay. Fire company Engine 33, Ladder 9 in southern Manhattan lost one quarter of its workforce and working family on that day when firefighters rushed into collapsing and smoke choked buildings to save lives. The concert produced on October 20th was a benefit for the families of the fallen. It was the least we could do to "Remember the Heroes."

The first two Songs of Freedom TV episodes in September remember the heroes. Performers who gave their time, energy, and caring that evening included Shawn Norton, Kim Rich, Lorcan Otway, Ahmed, Heather Lev, Gina Tlamsa, Mary Shannon, and myself. It was a memorable and heartfelt evening with inspired performances at a time when our city was aching for healing. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the event and the families of Engine 33, Ladder 9.       ~ joel landy, songs of freedom television ~

Here are those episodes:     

Show 1:  "Remember the Heroes"     Show 2: "Remember the Heroes"


The other two episodes this month feature my appearance on October 30 of 2021 at the Peoples' Voice Cafe.

It was the first time for many of us to gather to see and participate with live music events since the Covid lockdown began in March of 2020. It was a Covid-safe live event with timely topical songs and, if I may say so myself, respectable performances. It was fun, too.

Take a look for yourself.

Joel Landy at the Peoples' Voice Cafe, October 30, 2021 / show 1

Joel Landy at the Peoples' Voice Cafe, October 30, 2021 / show 2

September means many things to me. I was born on September 3. School begins in September (sometimes on September 3). Theater, football, automotive, and television seasons traditionally begin in September. The world we know goes back to work in September. I would imagine queueing up for this time can be stressful for everyone. You have to get yourself - and your kids - ready for the new season. I also have that birthday thing on my mind. I am to be a year older. I task myself with thinking about if I am doing my life properly and if this year I will celebrate my birthdate in a fulfilling way. And why does it mean anything to me anyway, because it does!
And -- will I ever be satisfied?  All these questions and tertiary mind games as we gird ourselves what is about to be . . .

Through it all, and despite it all, I wish you the best of new seasons.
May your travels be safe. May you learn and smile a lot.
May your friends and relationships be fulfilling.
And may you love and laugh more than you thought was humanly possible.

That is what I wish for you. And me.

peace, joy, love,

~ joel ~


August 2022

The Return of Live Music!  Where Have You Been?  It began for Songs of Freedom Television in June at the legendary Theatre 80 in New York City when Nate Smith brought his Sixth Festival to town for a week of environmental education and entertainment.

Every day brings us news about the dangers of ongoing climate change that is altering the fate of humankind. Some people are actually spending their time and energy to do something about it. One of these people is Nate Smith. Nate has been organizing theater events to bring attention to the dangers we face and organizations people can participate with to give us all a better chance of surviving into the next century and beyond.

On June 8th singers, poets, improvisational dancers, storytellers and others shared space and time to promote education and entertainment about saving Planet Earth.
The truth is Planet Earth will be here. It is we, as a species, that may not be.

This video and Songs of Freedom Television episode is from the June 8th event in NYC and features performances by Nate Smith, Joel Landy, and Louisa Bradshaw.

For more information about The Sixth Festival and how to get involved with Sixth Festival events go to

Soon after the Sixth Festival show came the June 21st Solstice Celebration
known as Make Music New York!
This annual event features free music throughout New York City.
Songs of Freedom Television was proud to participate once again,
hosting a free to the public community singing event at Red Pipes Cafe in Forest Hills, Queens.
Family friendly self-expression welcoming all musical styles made for a sweet and special evening.

A person wearing a black shirt holding in front of a microphone on a stand

This episode brings you what happened at Red Pipes Cafe on Solstice Day, June 21st, 2022.

Thank you to Ofer and the crew at Red Pipes for their generosity making everyone feel welcome at the cafe and providing a space for community and entertainment. Despite the occasional rain spirits were not dampened at all. The sweet vibe of community made the evening fun and special.

For more information about Make Music New York go to

The Make Music New York event went so well at Red Pipes that Songs of Freedom Television
hosted another musical event at the venue one month later, on Thursday evening, July 21st.
Here are two episodes from that evening, another sweet event featuring local talent.

July 2022

Celebrating the Life and Music of Woody Guthrie

This month we feature the work and life of America’s original troubadour, Woody Guthrie. Since 2001, Steve Suffet has organized Woody Guthrie tribute shows in New York City, featuring top notch talent singing Woody’s songs before and with live audiences. Exactly one week before the Covid lockdown in NYC, on Sunday, March 8, 2020, Steve and The Good Coffee House hosted the annual Woody Guthrie Hoot at Old Stone House in Brooklyn.

This month we pay tribute to Woody, the artists who performed that day, the audience who showed up to participate and enjoy, the organizations making that day possible, and you . . . survivors of a pandemic determined to sing again with friends, both old and new.

All episodes feature the 2020 Woody Brooklyn Hoot crew:

Steve Suffet, Anne Price, Mike Lee, Pinetree, and Joel Landy

Show 1: The Seventh Annual Woody Guthrie Brooklyn Hoot / Episode 1

Show 2: The Seventh Annual Woody Guthrie Brooklyn Hoot / Episode 2

Show 3: The Seventh Annual Woody Guthrie Brooklyn Hoot / Episode 3

Show 4: The Seventh Annual Woody Guthrie Brooklyn Hoot / Episode 4

More from Songs of Freedom Television

June 2022

Making Music in New York City and Around the World

On June 21st people around the world make music in the streets where they live.
Make Music New York is a city tradition tracing back to Paris, France and
Fête de la Musique,” a national musical holiday inaugurated in 1982. Ever since, the festival has become an international phenomenon, celebrated on the same day in more than 750 cities in 120 countries, including Germany, Italy, Greece, Russia, Lebanon, Ivory Coast, Australia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Canada, and Japan.

Songs of Freedom Television has been part of every MMNY since it was introduced to NYC sixteen years ago. This month SOF TV celebrates our participation through the years with episodes showcasing what has gone on in the streets of Forest Hills in front of The Red Pipe Café, now known as Red Pipes Café. The episodes commemorate and remember the contribution of Rene Alkalay, former own of Red Pipe Café, who passed away in 2021. Here are the episodes you can enjoy recalling 2018 and honoring Rene Alkalay.

~ joel landy, songs of freedom television ~

Show 1:  2018 Make Music New York celebration at the Red Pipe Cafe, show 1

Show 2:  2018 Make Music New York celebration at the Red Pipe Cafe, show 2

Show 3:  2018 Make Music New York celebration at the Red Pipe Cafe, show 3

Show 4:  2018 Make Music New York celebration at the Red Pipe Cafe, show 4

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May 2022

MAY  We Remember !

May is a time of rebirth and springtime and colors and beauty of all that is new and comes back again.

This month it is "May, We Remember!"  It is a time to honor those who honored us with their presence and spirit.

There are so many who have inspired and uplifted with their music, art, and humanity. We remember four of those who have left us but have left us with so much.

Songs Of Freedom Television

This month's episodes

Show 1:  "The Pete Seeger 100th Birthday Tribute and Celebration" show 1

Show 2:  Eric Levine (from 1996)   Show 3: Ray Korona (from 1997)   

Show 4:  David McReynolds
(interview from 2000 when he was running for President of the United States)


April 2022

and promoting the
New England Folk Festival


The New England Folk Festival was an awesome online event this year. ( I had the honor and privilege of hosting two interactive sessions. One was the Ultimate Parody Jam and the other was an hour dedicated to Pete Seeger and the Power of Song. I want to thank the amazing and dedicated - and all volunteer - organizers and technical crew of the New England Folk Festival. There were able to take a live event which has been going on for 70 years and make it work in an age of Covid and electronics. Bravo!  You did it. Next year we hope to be live again somewhere in New England.

Stay tuned and keep singing! 

~ joel landy, songs of freedom television ~

This month's episodes

Here are the episodes promoting the NEFFA event that ran in April.  

The Episodes

Show 1, The NEFFA Funny Song Swap, episode 1 (2016)

Show 2, The NEFFA Funny Song Swap, episode 2 (2018)

Show 3, "Remembering Phil Ochs"  (2017)

Show 4, "Remembering Phil Ochs" (2011)

March 2022

featuring Pat Wictor and Joel Landy at the Peoples' Voice Cafe in NYC, October 30, 2021

The Episodes

Show 1, featuring:  Pat Wictor     Show 2, featuring:  Pat Wictor 

Show 3, featuring:  Joel Landy     Show 4, featuring:  Joel Landy


February 2022

featured the June 2021 PORCH STOMP
and musical summer fun!

Songs Of Freedom Television

The 2021 Porch Stomp on Governors Island took place in June and signaled not only the start of summer, but also a return to live events and the annual music festival. Safety was observed during this annual event as numerous musical spaces on the island offered a variety of music and dancing. I helped to host the Peoples' Voice Cafe stage and recorded the event for Songs of Freedom Television. I hope you enjoy the episodes edited from that exciting day. I also hope that you and your family are well and safe.

Songs Of Freedom Television

The Episodes

Episodes feature the following artists

Show 1, featuring:  Joel Landy, Hudson Valley Sally, and Bev Grant.

Show 2, featuring:  Joshua Garcia, Joel Landy, Hudson Valley Sally, and Bev Grant.

Show 3, featuring:  Steve Suffet, Judy Gorman, Pat Lamanna, and Sally Campbell.

Show 4, featuring:  Chris Owens and the Chris Owens Brothers Band,
Katie Naplatarski, and Gerry Segel. 


January 2022

"Water Not Weapons"
Event 3, shows 1-4 / December 13, 2009

This month brings you the third Water Not Weapons event hosted by the Yippie Museum Cafe in NYC and Songs of Freedom Television in the name of global peace, humanity, and environmental sanity. It was a memorable evening of empowering entertainment. More than that, it was the promotion and celebration of a simple truth: clean water for all is critical for the survival of our planet and those who live there.
Join us. Tune in and don't tune out!

The Episodes,
"Water Not Weapons" show 1

Featuring Joel Landy, Phil Sauers, Ray Korona, and Spook Handy

"Water Not Weapons" show 2
Featuring Joel Landy, Rachel Stone, James Cannings, and Spook Handy

"Water Not Weapons" show 3
Featuring Ray Korona, Pat Lamanna, Mary Popiins, Steve Suffet, Caitlin O'Heaney, Jay Byrd, Gloria Waslyn and the Parrots of Peace

"Water Not Weapons" show 4
Featuring Jay Byrd, Phil Sauers, Jenny Hurwitz, Talbot Katz, Sami Rose, Spook Handy, and The Water Not Weapons Crew