2020 Goodbye Farewell to the year that changed us all

Bye bye 2020 bye bye
Drove us crazy, made us lazy
And sometimes made us cry
Pandemic blues and a bad orange guy
Singing this will be the year spirits die



The year 2020 took a mighty toll on the world of entertainment. Not only could we not enjoy live concerts and sporting events, but we lost many lives along the way. The list of athletes and musicians include many heroes from my youth and probably yours too. To all of them and their families, and to all of us who remember them, “Thank you for the memories and the joy you brought to our lives. You are not forgotten.” ~ joel ~

And now, Captain America with this important public safety announcement . . .

Faith and Papa remind you to do smart things because
Covid-19’s Coming to Town!

Wear a Mask! Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands”

Wash your hands and keep your distance. Wear a mask. Keeping everybody safe is all our task. If you have people to meet when you go out on the street do the right thing. Be discrete and wear a mask.

If you don’t want things to worsen wear a mask. You can be a loving person. Wear a mask. You can choose to be free and not risk your family. For the sake of you and me, please wear a mask.

Till a vaccine is secured wear a mask. Even then just to be sure please wear your mask. If you cannot Zoom or phone, if you cannot stay at home the life you save may be your own. So, wear a mask.

New words: Joel Landy

Dr. Fauci has a message: “Wear a mask.”
If you don’t want folks so grouchy wear a mask.
Don’t pollute the atmosphere with your germs and with more fear.
The best choice is very clear. Wear a mask.

So, now that you know it, wear a mask.
It is time for you to show it. Wear a mask.
If we all pull the same way
there will be a better day.

I have one thing more to say . . .

And I’d like it if you do not make me ask.

We can beat coronavirus. Wear a mask.

I see that I finally have your attention. Pay attention, Donald. I promise to use short words. You like to watch television. I have a few videos that you may find entertaining.

I Can't Help Falling In Love with Me

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What does Donald Trump say to his mirror in the morning? (As if I had to ask.)

Your Tweeting Heart

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His tweeting heart is our ball and chain.

You're a Joke, But Nobody's Laughing

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What is your opinion of our stable genius? This is mine.

Here's to the State of Donald Trump

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Reworking Phil Och's epic 1960s ode to Mississippi and the old south.
This time it's personal.